When I called Paul Bacher to get an update on the snowboarding conditions yesterday he said they were just about ready to light the christmas tree. I wasn’t quite sure what he meant, but soon there I was climbing around in this little tree stringing lights as Paul and Aaron packed out the runway, poured water on the jump to firm it up, and got the generator ready for lights, camera, action.

6 responses to “Merry Christmas – may you stomp the landing.”
Right on. Strobes or “regular” off-camera flash? Been playing with that as well. Not getting there, yet.
Hi Fred, yes a single canon 580EXII off camera, controlled with the st-e2. I’m sure it could be done better, but this worked ok and was simple. I shot mostly with the new 5DmII which does pretty well in the dark.
Merry Christmas to you also Scott and fantastic shots. I think the way you seemed to just light up the snow boarder is dead on, very unique shots. We’ll see you up in Homer in three weeks.
Hi Bob,
A little late here, but thanks, See you
Born and bred to rip and shred. Good looking photos Scottie!
hey – thanks DJ