Connecting with summer

Stephanie Haynes ( practicing Yoga at the edge of Cook Inlet
Stephanie Haynes ( practicing Yoga at the edge of Cook Inlet.

The thing about Summer in Alaska is –  It’s here and very real, but not to stay.  I’ve been busy making the most of it, which leaves little time to talk about it. Less talk, more fun. The pleasures abound: Taking photos, surfing, harvesting wild plants, kayaking, flying my paramotor (there’s a story to tell), and occasionally sleeping for a few hours between sunrise and sunset.

I’m continuing to explore the ‘nature with people‘ concept.  Below are a few recent images resulting from this desire. Thanks to Stephanie for helping create these and many more.



So, maybe this one was really from spring, but it felt like summer to us.


6 responses to “Connecting with summer”

  1. robert Avatar

    Love the photo with the ferns. Its such a lovely feeling to lie down and see the world through that lace on a spring day. I can sense that in your model. Well done.

    1. Scott Dickerson Avatar

      Thanks Robert. It is fascinating how intense the spring experience can be year after year. Each time is like the first time.

  2. Bob Jackson Avatar

    Hi Scott, truly outstanding images once again! The silhouettes were especially spectacular. I also really enjoyed the 20 year post Valdez coverage.

    I’ll be in Homer on August 12th-15th…perhaps we can try again to meet? I’ll contact you.

    Bob Jackson

    1. Scott Dickerson Avatar

      Thanks Bob. Give me a try when you are in Homer.

  3. carol bontekoe Avatar

    These are awesome. Stephanie is so lovely. Nice captures of her. Although I couldn’t stop laughing through her class today :X hope I’m allowed back tomorrow. 🙂

  4. rajni vaghamashi Avatar

    we have feel to photo realy nature in love ,