What does it mean to ‘live life Alaskan?’ The first thing about being an Alaskan is you have to break your own trail. To live the Alaskan life is really to live your own life, in your own way, on your own terms. To each his own. This opportunity to stake out your own claim on life is what brought many to Alaska, and what keeps the rest like me from leaving. (more…)
Tag: news
Bristol Bay exhibit opening video
As previously mentioned – I have an exhibit on display at the Pratt Museum in Homer, Alaska now through June 26th, 2011. It is a collaboration with sculptor Maygen Jannetta. The opening reception was on April 15th, and for the event I put a GoPro HD camera up to shoot a still photo every few seconds. The resulting video is embedded below.
Over 100 people came through the exhibit that evening and hopefully many many more will see it before the end of June. Thanks again to the World Wildlife Fund for their support of my photography work included in this exhibit.
Bristol Bay Photo Exhibit
I’m honored to announce the opening of a collaborative art exhibit between my favorite sculpturist, Maygen Jannetta, and myself. The opening celebration is 5-7pm Friday, April 15th at the Pratt Museum in Homer, Alaska. If you can’t join us then, don’t worry the exhibit will be on display until June 26th, 2011.
I’ll post some more photos and background on this project shortly, for now here is my artist statement for the exhibit:
Bristol Bay is an expansive region that encompasses a remarkable variety of ecosystems. This natural diversity sustains an unfathomable abundance of wildlife. I consider myself one of a fortunate few to have glimpsed a small slice of the natural wonders in this region.
Bristol Bay cradles innumerable stories of nature alive in its most primal form. Of particular interest to me is the way that humans are finding their place in this meshwork of life. My desire is that viewing the photographs and sculptures will give you an opportunity to develop your own personal connection with the Bristol Bay region.
In composing photographs I aspire to share a compelling story in an artistic way. I hope the images entice your attention and share with you their stories.
I would like to thank Maygen for inviting me to share this exhibit with her, I’m honored to show my photographs alongside her sculptures. These images could not have been created without the help of countless friends during my visits to Bristol Bay, thank you. A special thanks to my friend and pilot Brad Heil whom I’ve shared well over 100 hours of airtime with in Bristol Bay. He was always willing to go back around one more time for the another shot.
Thanks to the World Wildlife Fund for their ongoing efforts to preserve the natural, cultural and economic heritage of Bristol Bay in sensible and practical ways. And, for their much appreciated financial help framing the photographs.
News in the new year
Emma Teal Laukitis pioneering her way into 2009 The Scott Dickerson photography website is rolling out some updates here in the new year. Looking to the upper right of your browser you’ll see a couple new links in the navigation options – Archive and News.
I’m excited to share the link to my growing online photo archive. This project is still young with only several hundred images online, but it is growing weekly now and I have big plans for its future. The main focus with the archive right now is editing photos from my work in Bristol Bay and getting them online. Stay tuned, lots more to come including online print ordering and rights licensing options. The archive, powered by photoshelter, has also proven to be a great help working with clients on image review and delivery.
Speaking of clients, who are my clients? Occasionally I’m asked what I do as a photographer. I don’t have a quick simple response to this question, but as of today I do have a news section on the website where curious minds can learn more about the business side of Scott Dickerson Photography. To start things off, I’ve posted a couple dozen little blurbs about somewhat recent publications and assignments. The list is not meant to be comprehensive and was mostly formed by digging through files for saved ‘tearsheets’ (samples of my published work). I expect this news reporting to evolve over time, but generally the goal is to share the business events around here.
Also new in the last couple weeks are links to my facebook profile, and twitter feed. I’m doing the social media, web 2.0 stuff and if you haven’t tried it yourself here’s another chance. Initially I shied away from these online social networking tools, now I’ve jumped in and it’s much better than expected. I hope you’ll take a moment to add me as a ‘friend’ on facebook and/or follow me on Twitter.
The photo at the top is from a just-for-fun photo shoot with a few friends on the last day of December.
Photo in Patagonia winter catalog
Two weeks before I actually saw it myself, I started to hear about this photo which came out in the Patagonia winter catalog. It’s been fun hearing from friends, both close and distant, who were excited to stumble across the photo.
For those unfamiliar with the Patagonia catalog legacy I’ll tell you a little about it. Basically, it’s a product catalog for an outdoor adventure apparel manufacturer. But instead of just filling the pages with photos of the products, the focus is on portraying the lifestyle that the products are created for. Drawing from adventure photographers worldwide, the editors are consistently able to produce catalogs with such inspiring images that many of us keep old copies in our shelves right alongside favorite magazines. In a recent email one of the editors at Patagonia told me they filter through over 80,000 photos each year!
The skiier, Erika Klaar, is a friend from Homer out on our local Baycrest trails last winter. If you look closely you’ll see the trees near Erika are blurred from motion. This image was one of just a couple out of several hundred that actually came out well, Erika is sharp, but the trees are blurring as she races by. The effect was achieved by chasing her on skis while shooting photos wildly hoping that with some good fortune I’d come home with one good frame. We are both excited the image made the cut and I’m looking forward to trying this technique again. Photo shoots are my favorite exercise.
Keep an eye out for the Heart of Winter catalog from Patagonia, rumor has it the Alaska surfing scene might be set to make an appearance there.
Below are a few other photos from this shoot: