For the last year I’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to receive training on operating the Cineflex system. For those of you that aren’t camera technology geeks – the cineflex is an incredibly advanced camera contraption (gimbal) that uses gyros to sense movement and then stabilizes the camera and lens housed inside it. The cineflex is most often used for shooting ultra smooth aerial video – think Planet Earth series, or for snowboard fans – Art of Flight. More on this technology coming in another post. For now, I have some exciting news to share. (more…)
Tag: surfing
Surf Alaska video series intro
Surfing in Alaska is experienced by a very few and forgotten by not one of them. While we don’t always remember the individual waves ridden, or even the specific sessions, it’s the whole adventure that is so memorable. It’s the rawness and beauty of the total wilderness that we discover waves in that sticks in our daydreams. Those mornings after a long stormy night when there’s a bit of frost on the deck of the boat but the wind is calm, the stars are out and the only thing you can hear is the roaring of surf outside the bay.
Heli-Surfing Alaska book
Keep dreaming.
I’m learning from reoccurring experience that they do come true!
Ryan Lehman, Colin Burton, and Jeff Hoke can back me up on this. We recently enjoyed an incredible weekend of heli-surfing in the Gulf of Alaska. (more…) -
Surfing Alaska this fall
I’ve been out on more than a couple surf trips this fall on the m/v Milo with Ocean Swell Ventures. On a recent trip I shot a little video between photos and today I put together a very very short edit to start learning my way around some new video editing software. Check out the video below.
[youtube id=”MNubKaoD40E” width=”640″ height=”360″]
Surfing a winter blizzard in Cook Inlet, Alaska
Mike McCune surfing Alaska in a winter blizzard. Heavy freezing spray warnings come up in marine weather forecasts when the weatherman predicts the spray from waves will be freezing on boats at sea. Well, boats weren’t the only things encountering heavy freezing spray today on Cook Inlet in South central Alaska.
Mike McCune and Gart Curtis were surfing a heavy shore break near the village of Ninilchik in what the weatherman would certainly qualify as heavy freezing spray conditions. I haven’t edited the photos yet, but couldn’t wait to share this single shot of Mike surfing a vengeful looking wave with chunks of ice strewn across a frozen beach in the foreground. It looks like he’s really close to the beach. And that’s because he is, honestly my heart skipped a beat a few seconds afer this shot when the wave swallowed him as it crushed onto the steep ice covered incline of the beach.
Air temps were just below 10ºF. Winds were around 10-20mph and snow was blowing in all direction. More shots to come. In the meantime, if you want more, visit for more alaska surfing photos.