Heliskiing Alaska avalanche video

Skiiers watch as an avalanche slides below them while heliskiing in Alaska.

Skiiers watch as an avalanche slides below them while heliskiing in Alaska.

After our little Helisurf adventure yesterday, I was able to join CPG for a day of photographing Heliskiing. What was looking to be a great day ended quickly after we found some incredibly unstable snow conditions. Our guide, Jeff Hoke, was digging a pit to analyze the snowpack while myself and a group of clients standing by in a safe spot. The conditions were known to be potentially dangerous, but we were still a bit surprised when this avalanche let go right below us. The slope was so easy that it started of slowly. I took one photo, turned around and rand a few steps up the ridge and then started shooting video.

There was about 1-2ft of fresh snow covering ‘buried surface hoar’ which, as you’ll learn in the video below, is bad stuff for anything but watching avalanches.

A few other shots from the day below.

Jeff Hoke looks happy everyone was safe.


Good place for lunch anyhow.


The avalanche

I’m waiting for the helicopter to come back for fuel so I can head out again today and try and actually get some skiing shots this time! Weather looks like it might be deteriorating though so we’ll see. . .


One response to “Heliskiing Alaska avalanche video”

  1. John Holland Avatar
    John Holland

    Scott, great shots can you forward these to me please