Surf Alaska video series intro

surfing in Alaska with snow covered mountains

surfing in Alaska with snow covered mountains

Surfing in Alaska is experienced by a very few and forgotten by not one of them. While we don’t always remember the individual waves ridden, or even the specific sessions, it’s the whole adventure that is so memorable. It’s the rawness and beauty of the total wilderness that we discover waves in that sticks in our daydreams. Those mornings after a long stormy night when there’s a bit of frost on the deck of the boat but the wind is calm, the stars are out and the only thing you can hear is the roaring of surf outside the bay.

The unavoidable adventures and unimaginable beauty that come along with pioneering surf in the far north – That’s what Surf Alaska the video series is about. You’ll join us in our struggles against the elements and difficulties of accessing the Alaskan coastline. We always head out in search of waves, but whether we score or not, there’s always a story of adventure to share.

Here is the teaser to the video series we are just launching through our website. We hope you enjoy it and stay tuned for our first episode coming soon.

[youtube id=”5FSH0LFrCcI” width=”640″ height=”360″]

If you’ve been around these parts of the webs for any amount of time you probably know that we have a passion for surfing in Alaska. We  have a website and surf company called Surf Alaska, and now we have a video series to share what it’s like to surf Alaska through motion pictures and audio. We even have a boat based surf adventure company if you really like what you see and want to join us surfing in Alaska yourself!