Year of beer

Alaskan Brewing and Scott Dickerson photography

Scott Dickerson and Alaskan Brewing working together in 2014.

Hi, my name is Scott and I’m a professional beer drinker.

What’s it like to be sponsored by a brewery? Maybe you should ask my friends, they seemed to really think it was a great year! Speaking of friends, I used to not have so many, now that I show up to the party with a truck load of brews my social life has really turned around. Thanks Alaskan Brewing!

Ok, enough joking around let’s talk about the serious repercussions of having an unlimited supply of free beer. I have to admit that my beer consumption did increase in 2014 as a result of this assignment with Alaskan Brewing Co. I think I moved up from approximately two beers per month to maybe an average of three per week. Yeah I know, I gotta get control of this.

2014, the year of beer, was a great year. Basically, my assignment with Alaskan Brewing was to ‘Live Life Alaskan‘ and share the resulting images. I was paid a  quarterly fee and reimbursed for any beer purchases. It was our first year of this arrangement and I think it was very successful – I don’t really drink much, I take a lot of photos, and all my friends think Alaskan Brewing is a great company doing really good things. Win win. It was fun to have this loose and ongoing assignment. I was able to shoot all types of adventures from fat biking, aviation fly-ins, and of course surf trips.

How’d this all get started anyhow? Check it here: Alaskan Brewing Icy Bay IPA beer label release.

The resulting images were used in a variety of marketing pieces and social media. Below are a few screen shots of how the stories were shared on Alaskan Brewing’s Facebook page.

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And a few memorable moments with beers from 2014.

Alaskan Brewing and Scott Dickerson photography

Alaskan Brewing and Scott Dickerson photography

Alaskan Brewing and Scott Dickerson photography

Alaskan Brewing and Scott Dickerson photography

Alaskan Brewing and Scott Dickerson photography

Alaskan Brewing and Scott Dickerson photography

Alaskan Brewing and Scott Dickerson photography

Here’s to 2015!

Alaskan Brewing and Scott Dickerson photography




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