How to glacier surf: first, stand on the beach in a wetsuit with a surfboard and wait. Watch the tidewater glacier until the relatively warm ocean water against the glacier causes chunks of ice to break away and fall into the ocean — a phenomenon known as calving.
It’s hard to predict when the glacier will calve or how much ice will fall. In addition to these factors, the surf-ability of the waves depends on the tides, the distance and angle of the nearby beach, and the wind. Not to mention chunks the size of Volkswagens might be joining you in the lineup
Though the surf-able waves might be 2-8hrs apart you won’t be bored waiting by a glacier – the view alone is a magical experience.
After watching waves produced by calving glaciers on exploratory surf trips, Scott decided to see if it was possible to surf them.
“When there’s waves, surfers are interested. When there’s glaciers behind the waves, surf photographers are very interested.”
On this trip in Alaska’s Kenai Fjords, a myriad of ideal conditions transpired to create a successful surf situation. One of the magical factors was a local current that swept the ice away from the beach and out of the waves so the surfers could ride without crashing into chunks of ice.
As they waited for waves to arrive, time flew by as all were mesmerized watching for the next windfall of ice.
“A little piece of ice falls and you are engaged. It is kind of slow, but the anticipation is so intense that time goes by quickly. You can’t stop. You can’t walk away because what if it has a huge calving while you get lunch. You cant imagine not being there if it cut loose.”
Not every wave was huge but when you wait two hours for a wave, every wave is a party wave.
Scott produced the entire trip — planning logistics and operating the boat (m/v Milo) as a USCG Captain — for a Travel Channel TV production. In addition to getting to photograph surfing below a stunning glacier, Scott was able to hire two of his long-time surfing friends Kyle and Jake as on-camera talent for the trip.
Over the course of two days, Kyle and Jake caught about 15 waves each, exceeding everyone’s expectations for the trip. Like most outdoor adventures, the timing and conditions have to be right, but when they are, the results are beyond imagination.