Category: recent work

  • Alaskan Brewing Icy Bay IPA beer release

    Alaskan Brewing Icy Bay IPA beer release


    As mentioned in my recent post, I’m working with the fine folks at Alaskan Brewing this year. The first major project was the labeling for their new beer just released last week – Icy Bay IPA. (more…)

  • Shooting the first ever Cineflex and RED EPIC combo

    Shooting the first ever Cineflex and RED EPIC combo

    ZatzWorks Cineflex with nose mount on R44

    For the last year I’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to receive training on operating the Cineflex system. For those of you that aren’t camera technology geeks – the cineflex is an incredibly advanced camera contraption (gimbal) that uses gyros to sense movement and then stabilizes the camera and lens housed inside it. The cineflex is most often used for shooting ultra smooth aerial video – think Planet Earth series, or for snowboard fans – Art of Flight. More on this technology coming in another post. For now, I have some exciting news to share. (more…)

  • Fat biking in Homer, Alaska

    Fat biking in Homer, Alaska

    Fat tire biking a beach in Alaska

    You’ve probably been wondering what this fat biking thing is all about. I have been. Maybe you’ve had a friend or two suddenly contract an obsession with riding this silly looking bike with oversized tires all the time, and everywhere. The way it spreads through a community had me worried that it might be contagious. (more…)

  • Heli-Surfing Alaska book

    Heli-Surfing Alaska book

    heli-surfing alaska
    Keep dreaming.
    I’m learning from reoccurring experience that they do come true!
    Ryan Lehman, Colin Burton, and Jeff Hoke can back me up on this. We recently enjoyed an incredible weekend of heli-surfing in the Gulf of Alaska. (more…)

  • Filming for Patagonia Wetsuits

    Filming for Patagonia Wetsuits

    The clothing and outdoors brand/religion known as patagonia just released their 2014 wetsuit guide video. Patagonia surf ambassadors Chris and Keith Malloy’s recent trip to Alaska is featured with footage by Scott Dickerson. Check it out.

    [youtube id=”OPmndC8eQE0″ width=”640″ height=”360″]

    This project was special for us on several levels. For one thing it was an opportunity for Scott to showcase that his talents aren’t only in still photography. It also gave us another chance to show new friends how we have fun in Alaska –  on a great surf trip with Ocean Swell Ventures on the M/V Milo. The timing just worked out such that our friend Daniel Zatz of Zatzworks was in the area shooting cineflex aerials and was kind enough to get a few shots for this project as well.

    We are proud to count many Patagonia ambassadors as our friends – they are some of the most enjoyable folks in the industry that we’ve gotten to know.

    Stay tuned for the report from Scott’s most recent Patagonia shoot in Alaska with kitesurfing ambassador Jason Slezak.