Inspired by Instagram’s Throwback Thursday trend, here is one from the SDP archives. The other day I started flipping through a stack of old magazines from a friend and opened right up to this quintessential Homer surf scene. It made for a fun surprise! Here Mike McCune surfs Alaska for Outside Television in a photo licensed by Aurora Photos, one of our stock agents. From Outside Magazine, February 2012.
das ist cool! Alaska im Winter: Adventure and Surf
We’ve had what seems like a lot of German attention lately, and we’ve thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated it!
Early this winter we were visited by filmmaker Sabrina Hermsen and her crew from ZDF (the German equivalent of PBS, we understand). We had a lot of fun showing them around and managed to get some surf when by all standards there really wasn’t any.
This German TV episode features us and Surf Alaska. Our appearance begins at 5:47.
In this longer episode Mike McCune of Ocean Swell Ventures and the M/V Milo are featured as well, although the surf is noticeably missing. We’re only sorry they didn’t include the post session feast, standard fare on the Milo, that we shared with them. Check it out, starting at 6:49.
Oh yeah, we also wish we knew what they are saying about us! Did you hear anyone say ‘der spinnt’ (he’s nuts!)?
This fall we were also showing up in German print:
On a more traditional front, Scott’s ever popular aerial bore tide surf shot was featured as a double page spread in a German magazine, Fit for Fun.And another one that we really wish we could read: a super-cool looking book about Stand-Up Paddling published several SDP photos, including one of Scott surfing (taken by yours truly!).
Yes, this means that Scott is surfing in a book that has Laird Hamilton on the cover.
Surfing Alaska this fall
I’ve been out on more than a couple surf trips this fall on the m/v Milo with Ocean Swell Ventures. On a recent trip I shot a little video between photos and today I put together a very very short edit to start learning my way around some new video editing software. Check out the video below.
[youtube id=”MNubKaoD40E” width=”640″ height=”360″]
Tilt-shift aerial photos
Over the last couple years I’ve been occasionally experimenting shooting aerials with a Tilt-shift lens. The purpose has been to play with the depth of field (selective focus or blurred areas)which is often disregarded in aerial photography due to the distance between the camera and subject making it very difficult to achieve with normal lenses. (more…)
Shooting the Brothers on the Run – part 2
Ian Walsh under the the mountains and the lip In my last post – see it here – I told a story about a Alaskan surfing photoshoot with the ‘Brothers on the Run’ crew. I left off halfway through the day just before heading to the beach to shoot from a different angle. Below are a few select images.